2024 Veteran Service Officer Program

The New York State Dept. of Veterans’ Services (DVS) advocates on behalf of veterans to ensure they receive benefits granted by law for service in the U.S. military. DVS helps Veterans with employment, education, and healthcare benefits and services. In 2023, DVS partnered with Veterans Rebuilding Life, providing accredited training, certifying VRL members as Veteran Service Officers. Learn more about this initiative here.


2024 Top-Rated Nonprofit

GreatNonprofits® is the leading national platform for community-sourced, verified reviews of over 1.2 million registered nonprofit organizations. Reviews are submitted by individuals with direct experience working with the organizations listed on their website. Veterans Rebuilding Life was proud to accept the Best Nonprofits Award, granted on-behalf of the communities we serve for seven years in a row. Learn more.

Tech 2 Success

2024 Official Tech Sponsor

Tech 2 Success® is an enterprise level IT company that providing services across the US and Canada. The company consists of high-level IT experts, programmers, and digital marketing experts with over 20 years of professional experience helping companies to strategically utilize  technology to improve their online businesses. In 2022, Tech 2 Success became the official IT sponsor for Veterans Rebuilding Life. Learn more at Tech 2 Success.

2024 Platinum Nonprofit Rating

Candid® is nationally recognized verification authority for nonprofit organizations. By monitoring compliance, and measuring social impact, Candid identifies trustworthy nonprofits, and exposes unethical behavior. Veterans Rebuilding Life is proud to be recognized as a Platinum NGO, Candid’s highest nonprofit rating for our commitment to financial transparency. Learn more.

Sweetwater Clifton City Spirit Award

The 2024 Sweetwater Clifton City Spirit Award was presented to Veterans Rebuilding Life by the New York Knicks and HUB International. The award, named after basketball Hall-of-Fame legend Nat Sweetwater Clifton, acknowledges those who have made a substantial impact on their community. As part of the recognition, a generous donation of $10,000 was provided to support Veterans Rebuilding Life’s humanitarian mission.

2024 Nonprofit Partner

Pledge® connects donors to verified nonprofit organizations operating around the world. Pledge technology powers secure donor transactions using digitally encrypted online platforms, capable of accepting all credit and debit cards, wire transfers, and cryptocurrencies. All donations made on Pledge receive an emailed tax receipt, as well as intuitive reporting for both donors and charities. Learn more at their website.

Benevity | Charitable Giving Partner

Benevity® makes it easier for nonprofits to establish eligibility for corporate giving programs, by providing online donors by vetting charitable organizations to ensure they are registered with the IRS and remain in good-standing. Benevity ensures that charities comply with non-discrimination laws, anti-bribery, and secular fund usage. Veterans Rebuilding Life is proud to be listed as a verified nonprofit in good-standing, on Benevity’s trusted charities list is available here.

Veterans rebuilding Life is a registered member of Uncommon Giving.

Official Nonprofit Member

Uncommon Giving® is an online community network that provides new ways for donors to find nonprofits focused on missions that matter. Uncommon Giving® helps registered nonprofits expand their humanitarian reach, and helps donors to make a real difference. Learn more.


Giving Fund | Trusted Charity

Blackbaud® is an IRS authorized institution that provides donor-advised philanthropy through the Giving Fund. Blackbaud’s mission is to increase philanthropic giving through partnerships with creative social enterprises, that connect donors to verified charities around the world. Veterans Rebuilding Life is proud to listed among the Giving Fund’s most trusted charities.

Official Nonprofit Member

Millie is a Public Benefit Corporation that connects verified nonprofit organizations to companies that are seeking worthy causes to support. Veterans Rebuilding Life is proud to be a registered nonprofit member of Millie since 2022. To learn more about their corporate giving program, please visit their website.
Charity Navigator 5 Star NGO: Veterans Rebuilding Life

Verified Nonprofit Member

Charity Navigator® is an assessment evaluator for registered nonprofit organizations operating across the nation. Charity Navigator® provides donors with verified data on over 150,000 active nonprofits, making it the largest charity evaluator in the United States.

Times Ledger Impact Award

Among the nations longest running news publications, the Times Ledger® formally recognizes institutions that have had an extraordinary impact on the community. Honorees are nominated by the public and must meet the the award committee’s requirement: going above and beyond to make a difference in their community. VRL was honored to receive the Impact Award, at the annual gala held at Douglaston Manor, in New York City.