2024 Medical Mission
Mosul, Iraq

Veterans Rebuilding Life | Joint Humanitarian Operations
Veterans Rebuilding Life | Joint Humanitarian Operations

Meet Ruq’aya.
A cheerful, two-year-old girl with sparkling eyes and soft, feathery hair.

Ruq’aya was born in Mosul, Iraq. The city gained notoriety after it became the last stronghold of the terrorist organization: ISIS.

Today, the city remains in ruins as a result of the intense fighting that occurred during the final days of the war against ISIS.

Unfortunate news for little Ruq’aya, who was born with a congenital heart defect. Left untreated, she would not survive to see her third birthday.

Ruq’aya required an emergency surgical procedure to save her life. Medical personnel on the ground in Mosul contacted Veterans Rebuilding Life for assistance.

VRL members raised the $3,000 necessary to help cover the cost of Ruq’aya’s life-saving surgery. Ruq’aya’s parents expressed heartfelt gratitude upon completion of the successful medical procedure. Seen here is little Ruq’aya, post surgery, beaming in her bright yellow Mickey Mouse overalls.

Veterans Rebuilding Life extends our heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated volunteers on-the-ground in Iraq, our generous donors from the Assyrian community of California, and the unwavering support of America’s military veterans.